Friday, September 20, 2013
Genereal Authorities know what is up~!!
Sometimes I struggle with not proofreading/editing things. Love & Miss this kid so so so very much!!
Hey everyone!!!So I was going to include my email for president this week, but I accidently closed the thing, and I don't feel like it's super pertinent to try and bring it all back up again to copy and paste it so I guess you just have to go without another week. Sawwy. ㅜㅜ. That's a korean crying face by the way. Or maybe it's different, I can't remember I never was the type to put faces in my texts or anything like that so maybe one of you can tell me if that was right. Anyways this week has been good! Long, but good nonetheless.So last week, our root beer making exploits and activity kinda failed. We got a messed up recipe about how much of the stuff to put together so there wasn't much taste. I still enjoyed it though. Funny thing, back in America, I wasn't the most devout of Root Beer enthusiasts, but here that is easily one of the foods that I miss the most. I guess it's just because they don't really have it anywhere but America. That being said, despite the lack of flavor, I still enjoyed it thoroughly! Brilliant idea that happened though, was from the part of one of the sisters here in anyang, Sister Blickenstaff. She put some dry ice in the concoction that we were making ice cream in, and managed to make carbonated ice cream. Legitimately one of the most delicious tasting things I have ever tasted. I probably have cancer or something from it now based on how delicious it is and the whole bad for you to deliciousness problem being a thing. Hopefully not. Probably not. Interestingly enough, the only people that got to partake of its deliciousness were the missionaries from here in anyang, since we had to stay and clean everything up.Also I got to be a bit of butt, when this one elder came, he brought his guitar, cause Koreans bring guitars everywhere, and when he was about to leave, he started playing standing up, but didn't have a strap so he was playing in this really awkward posture where he stood on one foot and then used the other leg to hold up the guitar. I decided to take the guitar and show him you don't need the leg, that you can just hold it and it's fine. After which I decided that it might be more fun to just play with the guitar behind my head. Kind of a funny thing to do, but also kind of mean. It solicited some good laughs, and now I feel like an incredibly showboating arrogant person. Confirmation is not necessary, I know it was very arrogant, but I still think that it was funny!!!On thursday, we had what was called a mission tour, and those mean that a general authority comes, usually someone from the area presidency, and he trains the missionaries sort of. COOLEST THING EVER! So the people wo came were Elder Michael T. Ringwood, Asia North Area President, and his wife. His wife incidentally is the daughter (and spitting image I might add) of Elder Russell M. Nelson. Super awesome!!! They are both super awesome, and I had the great opportunity of being able to sit with them while we ate lunch! Soo cool. We had this question and answer session with President Ringwood that was one of the coolest experiences of my life. That man not only knows the scriptures incredibly well, but he knows things by the spirit, and most certainly carries it with him. So awesome.Last night we were just going around trying to talk to people, and were just getting shut down left and right. Kind of bummed me out especially since none of our investigators really wanted to meet last week. It was the long end to a kind of long week, and people were just making it longer by not responding. I was getting pretty bummed, and we needed to talk to people to try and find some new investigators, and I told Elder Webber that we need to stop at every bus stop that there is a man present at to try and talk to everyone really. The first one we came to, I sat down next to this man and started talking to him. The man was so nice, and made me feel so much better. In fact, we are meeting him this upcoming saturday! I'm so glad that the Lord helps me out and here's my little cries for help when I need them.So fun Korea lesson, this week there is a holiday called 추석, which is more or less the Korean equivalent of thanksgiving. In fact, Koreans that speak english call it thanksgiving sometimes. Because of that we have a bunch of interesting stuff going on this week! I'm pretty excited and its gonna be super awesome! I'm not entirely sure of everything it entails, but the members are feeding us like 4 times this week, so I've got no complaints at all!Well, I'm out of time, and today isn't actually pday, so we've got a lot of stuff that we have to take care of. Also we haven't eaten lunch yet, so we will probably be doing that. hahahave a great week and stay happy!클러슨 장로
Monday, September 9, 2013
The randomness of being a missionary...
So what I understand from this is Root Beer is the cause of X-men. Correct???
Hey President!
So this week has been an interesting one. A good week, no doubt, but interesting is a good word too. We have this open house that will be taking place at the end of the month so we have been doing a lot to try and prepare for that, trying to visit less actives, and actives alike just trying to get as many people as possible to want to attend.
District meeting was good, and there was a lot of good things that came from it I think. I feel like I've grown a lot over the course of my tenure as a district leader especially. My experience has certainly been that as we stop trying to fulfill ourselves as leaders or with recognition, but seek to help those around us, is when you really are fulfilled the most.
Elder Webber is making a lot more efforts these days to try and talk to people in conversations. He has struggled a bit in the past and I know that he's working hard. It's not too hard for an older missionary like myself to try and talk, but being so distant from having been a young missionary really, I can't understand it as well. He's working hard though!!!
I don't have too much else to share really, but I'm thankful for all the great opportunities I've had to serve with you, and to continue to!!
Have a great week!
-Elder Clawson
So this week has been an interesting one. A good week, no doubt, but interesting is a good word too. We have this open house that will be taking place at the end of the month so we have been doing a lot to try and prepare for that, trying to visit less actives, and actives alike just trying to get as many people as possible to want to attend.
District meeting was good, and there was a lot of good things that came from it I think. I feel like I've grown a lot over the course of my tenure as a district leader especially. My experience has certainly been that as we stop trying to fulfill ourselves as leaders or with recognition, but seek to help those around us, is when you really are fulfilled the most.
Elder Webber is making a lot more efforts these days to try and talk to people in conversations. He has struggled a bit in the past and I know that he's working hard. It's not too hard for an older missionary like myself to try and talk, but being so distant from having been a young missionary really, I can't understand it as well. He's working hard though!!!
I don't have too much else to share really, but I'm thankful for all the great opportunities I've had to serve with you, and to continue to!!
Have a great week!
-Elder Clawson
Sup 가족 하고 친구들???
So this week has been good as usual. I'm kinda tired right now, because it is 1:00 pm on p-day and we already have done like 2 hours of traveling, but it's okay cause we have this super crazy awesome activity planned for today!!! Well, I'm not sure how accurate crazy awesome is, but based on the amount of work that has had to go into it, I feel like it better be crazy awesome. I will now commence description of activity and the amount of work that had to go forth to get this ready.
We have a zone activity planned, and since we live with the zone leaders, and I'm a district leader, we play pretty much the whole role of preparation, typically not that big of a deal, but a tremendously huge deal apparently if you want to watch a church movie and/or drink root beer and have root beer floats all the while. Why you ask? I'm not sure if you were aware, but outside of the US, root beer does not exist unless it's on a military base. Not at all. Why again? Because sassafras, the main ingredient in root beer, when ground up to make root beer, can cause immediate dna damage which would result in your body being messed up really badly, thus the use of root beer extract. Root beer extract, exists very seldom outside of the Utah incidentally. We had none to speak of, as well as the other necessary components like dry ice, and movie to watch. That being said, Elder Brissette did like everything ever possible to try and get root beer extract, and we ended up bumming some off of Elder Mumford. Not sure if you remember but he lives in the north mission, and we got a chance to call him, and speak with him for a bit! Super fun!!!! Anyways, yeah that was a chore, but we got it!
Then getting dry ice, we got enough dry ice to make 11 batches of root beer. We wanted to make one. It was insanely cheap though. 20$ ish for 30 kilos. We can't keep it at our house either, otherwise it may sublimate too much and kill us because we sleep on the floor on what are called 요s. Quite the chore... But nonetheless hopefully worth it!!! Also, no one has ever had to go through this much to try and make root beer, i'll tell you that much, well maybe the first person who made it did...
To get the movie, me and my companion went like an hour away to Incheon, which was a journey, but we got the movie, and now we are mostly set to go!!! Gonna be super fun!!! Now we just need a bunch of sugar and milk for the ice cream!!! It's all coming together...
So interesting realization this week, we have this one man who's kind of an investigator who I know used to be part of a gang, and might potentially still be in charge of that gang at the moment. Incidentally, we are also friends with like half of the police force in the area that our church is in. Kind of ironic, but funny nonetheless.
Also, other really weird event, there's this man who we've met once or twice, and he is insanely nice and runs this soup kitchen thing for old people, not the one we do service at, but a different one, and we went to meet him on saturday. He said to show up at a strangely specific time, and when we got there, there was a bunch of old people sitting in a very organized fashion. There was a meeting for something, and it turns out that it was for this college for old people. They go and learn things, and stuff and things. We're just kinda sitting there, and then this other lady we know who runs this restaurant we go to a bunch walks in, and she's like the opening speaker. It was the opening ceremonies of a semester and they asked us to come up and speak!!! We spoke at this weird ceremony for a college for people that are like 80 and older. Kinda strange?!?! Not sure, you tell me.
Sorry, super short on time this week, but it was a good week I promise, we met this investigator I've met a bunch of times before last night, and he made some serious progress I think. Finally people going to salvation!!!
Love you bye
클라슨 장로!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
General Authorities are Legit!!!
I as so so so so so sorry that we wound up like a month behind on Scotts emails. I have been sufficiently repremanded and promise to do better. Its crazy to think that he has been gone longer than he has left!!! He's less pleased about that than we are...
Hey Everyone!!!!
So this week was absolutely awesome!!! There were some incredibly great experiences to say the least! I'm not sure that all of them are as fun as usual, but they were incredible experiences for me to say the least!!
First off, this past week was incredibly busy!!! Monday was P-day, which is 6 hours of the day so that takes a while, even though we spent the balance of it cleaning. Actually I spent pretty much all of it cleaning. Tuesday, we had a lunch appointment with one of the ward members and by we I mean all 6 missionaries in our ward! How cool is that?! Lot's of money really, but the ward loves us, so we do okay with meals, especially for how many of us there are! We also got a new investigator who was a really nice man. Not sure how interested he really is, but he's nice nonetheless.
Wednesday, we had district meeting which was lots of fun! I delivered the training again, and I felt pretty good about it! The district here is awesome. Everyone wants to work as well as I can see really. I don't know if anyone is aware, but preparing for upwards of 20 district meetings, you can start to run out of material. Especially if all that it has in PMG for instructions is to teach the missionaries the doctrine of the kingdom. That's the only thing we are SUPPOSED to do. All of anything else that it says are just suggestions, BUT nonetheless, was a good meeting.
English Class was good, the new missionary sister in our area taught it. She did a solid job, but just like most people when they come to the country at first, talk way too fast for people to understand. I feel her pain being from California, we are certainly a fast talking bunch typically.
Thursday, we got to visit the temple which was fun, and awesome all at the same time. It was raining so stinking hard!!!! Nobody would leave at first and were talking way too loud to be in the temple really, so this guy came and told us to be quiet pretty much. We were the first companionship to leave, thinking that people might follow our example, and go and do missionary work, but from what I gather we were not successful... Oh well, that's okay, not too many opportunities to see friends I suppose.
We also met this kid who is insanely good at English, and he learned from watching American TV and that's pretty much it. Kinda weird, but whose not that knows English right?
Friday was really cool, President came and spent the day with us!!! Super fun, we had a service project in the morning, and President said that it was the best service project that he's ever seen among missionaries. It was kinda like a soup kitchen for old people I think I've talked about it before. So much fun.
Also! I got to do another baptismal interview that night. Interesting man, his brain is literally incapable of grasping concepts at first listen. Incredibly good heart though. He passed and is now one of the more recent members of the church.
Yesterday was easily one of the coolest days of my mission by far. So there was this big fireside with a few general authorities in attendence, and none other than President Christensen and his wife, my prior mission president!!! such a great man. I got to talk to him, and he is still so awesome. Sister Christensen is too, well minus the man part or rather just plus a wo-. I talked afterwards with Michael O. Richards of the Sunday School General Presidency, and he is so cool!!!! I'm going to say he's my new best friend. I was so impressed with how easy it was for him to be happy. If I could be as happy and loving as that man was, regardless of whatever else I achieved in life, I would know that I am a success. So incredible.
Sorry I'm short on time, so I'll try and say more next time, but I feel like there was a lot this week! Stay awesome for the time being.
클라슨 장로
Befriend ALL THE COPS!!!!
PS I don't understand why this email is formatting weird. So so sorry...
Hey everybody!!!!
Hey everybody!!!!
my email got super blown up this week! You guys are all super awesome!
Thanks a bunch for sharing your love and everything! This week has been
jampacked with awesomeness! well after wednesday at least. Kinda
busy with everything in the whole entire world!!!!
So sisters came to our area this week. That puts the total
of missionaries in our area to 6. 6 missionaries in one ward!
How cool is that!?!?! We're working hard and have some awesome
missionaries here. Things are going to happen. The sisters did
however have some troubles with their new house which made it kind of...
interesting? There house was insanely dirty when we helped to bring in
all the furniture and stuff about a week and a half ago. We had intended
to clean it up for them but due to a very confusing series of events we never
got the key, and thus it was still dirty when they moved in, the fridge didn't
work, their washing machine won't hook up with the water lines, and my
companion and I put their closet racks together wrong. We fixed what we
could, and got a new fridge, so now it's a little better, but there's still
some other problems. Kinda a bummer, but it'll become home for them soon
Thursday, we referred them some of our female investigators, so
that will hopefully work well for them. Both of the 2 we gave them are
somewhat crazy so that will be fun. Not sure exactly where either of
those experiences could go, but who knows, maybe some people will score
salvation from it.
Friday, we got to go on like a police ride along with some of
the guys from the local police department. One of them is an
investigator, and there's this other guy who used to kinda almost be an
investigator. They're all super nice. This one guy plays guitar and
kept on humming the theme to Mr. Crowley by Ozzy Osborne. That was
kinda funny. Dude was convinced that I need to drink with him. Not
down. Oh yeah, crime in Korea is like entirely nonexistent.
Sure they illegally download stuff all the time, but that's it.
I've only seen someone get pulled over twice, and the only thing they did
when we were in their car was pick up some recycling bags that had fallen off a
garbage truck. Still super fun though!
Other crazy experience. So there's this game old guys play
a lot in Korea called 장기 (jang-gi) and there's this park where a bunch of old guys
play it all the time. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not very
good at games like this or chess. By the way it's kinda like Korean
chess. anyways, yeah so not very good, these old guys go crazy! I
bet you could imagine where this story is going. I BEAT THE OLD GUY AT 장기.
I'd be willing to bet I'm the first foreigner they've ever seen play
that game and know what to do at all, let along beat the guy who's like the
reigning champion there! I'm a beast. All there is to be said.
Or it has to do with the fact that I probably shouldn't have won, and won
more or less by a silly mistake on his part. That's entirely possibility
though! Actually I didn't even know I won until my companion told me like
2 minutes later. That was kind of funny.
Super awesome church experience! This one guy that had
been active about two months ago, and then started drifting pretty hard came
back to church again!! Made me especially happy since I'm one of his best
friends in the ward. Kid is so funny. I don't know why he likes me,
but we get along pretty well. It was kind of a pick me up considering we
had no investigators who came to church, but I did help to bring someone back
from somewhat inactivity!
Sorry again, I'm kind of out of time, but maybe one day I'll
answer questions or something. Anyone who I haven't addressed directly,
HEY! Also, What the heck, I'm like past a year or something?!?! Sad
클라슨 장로
"No lady, I'm calling YOU to repentance!"
Hey everyone!
So this week has been, a bit of a roller coaster. Not too sure how you guys are doing, but I'm good as ever pretty much.
So last monday we went screen golfing again. Soooooo fun!! Fun story actually. So this screen golf thing is pretty immersive. You can decided how big you want the gimme distance to be, how many mulligans you want, what tees you play from, a bunch of different courses, tee height, so much stuff. My companion thought that one of the settings was ball color because it's default setting is white. His favorite color is red, so he decided to set his color to red. Those of you who are particularly familiar with golf may know where this is going already. Yes, my companion did in fact play from the woman's tees. Kinda lame. I played from the gold tees, which if I remember correctly are the masters tees? anyways farthest possible from the whole. Pretty much every single hole my companion was at least 100m (not yards) closer to the pin before we even hit a ball. Needless to say he caught a whole ton of crap for that. He did win though, so I guess I don't have room to talk. Those of you who are curious, the Taylor Made Burner series isn't even that great. Sure it adds a whole 25m to like every single hit, but who even wants that anyways? Also, Brother Evans, according to screen golf I can hit the ball straight now! Don't worry my slice will be back in no time.
Tuesday we had this thing called 12 week follow up training which is for the new missionaries and their trainers. In missionary work right now, there's what's called the 12 week in field training program and it's supposed to help missionaries get more acquainted with every phase of missionary work early on. I think it's more effective for people who don't have to learn Korean, but hey most of our investigators speak English anyways. That was fun. Legitimately the first one that I have enjoyed. It was my 3rd time going to that having trained twice and being trained myself. Super cool this time.
Oh yeah, I forgot that this week we had transfer calls. Not like it matters, nothing is changing. still in 안양, still training Elder Webber, still District Leader, both the zone leaders are staying. At first I was super mad that I was staying because that will put me at 6 transfers here. Two of those transfers were shorter than average but to put that in perspective, it's about 8 months. Long time in one area. Also since I haven't really done much that is very outwardly visible, it's like "what did I do wrong or what do I have to do to leaver this place?!?!?!" I'm still going to work hard obviously though. Things are going down this transfer!!!!!
So we met this new investigator on thursday, incidentally does NOT speak english just for Irony's sake. She wants to learn English, and apparently the gospel too. We had appointments to meet prior, but we had to cancel them, and because she gave us bad directions, not to mention a bit of a language barrier, we were late on this week too. Lady straight up told me to repent. It was the first time I've been told to repent. Never been told by preachers, other church's missionaries, other various clergy, but I got told by a dance academy instructor who doesn't even go to church, to repent. One might imagine it was difficult to keep from laughing. Right now remembering it makes me frustrated, but I almost laughed super hard when she said that. She said hurricane like weather wasn't a good excuse to not make an appointment. Lady, I spend half my time in this country waiting for people to show up to appointments and they don't show, you're gonna lecture me on lame excuses? Sorry, I don't mean to complain, but I'm not very quick to accept people telling me to repent, that aren't necessarily aware of the whole situation, or in a position in which to do so, but I'll repent just to be sure.
Our best investigator hurt himself so we can't meet him for a little while, but if you could pray for him in some way that would be appreciated. He's gonna get baptized! He just doesn't know it yet! Well actually he probably does know now that I think about it. I'm gonna dunk him so hard his stains are just gonna fall right off!
Today we are going bowling for a zone activity and it's going to be super fun!!! Wish you could join us! Miss you all and stay awesome!
수고하세요~!!!( work hard- especially you other missionaries^^)
클라슨 장로
New missionary work strategy is da best!!!!
Hey everyone!
So I just had a thought and if anyone has the answer to this question, I would be somewhat appreciative if you could tell me. So is it a normal thing for the subject line of an email to be the last thing that people write in a letter? It certainly is for me. I also wonder if that comes from actual letters or if it's just an organizational thing for computers. Probably the latter. Not too concerned about that question compared to the prior so don't worry about it too much.
Anyways, this week has been a bit of a roller coaster in missionary work. So remember how I end up saying a bunch that I like contacting people and stuff? Well that is no more!!! Now we are just trying to have conversations with people. The differences may seem minor from an outside perspective, but I think it's huge! Scratch that I KNOW it's huge!
Prior to this change, we would measure our contacts and it was kinda based upon giving the people gospel material which isn't a bad thing by any means. The problem arose when people weren't giving those that they came in contact with the proper chance when it comes to trying to share the gospel with them. They could have kept going for the conversation to last, but instead, in order to get better numbers they would give them gospel material and kind of just move on to the next. I always felt bad when I did this so one thing me and my last companion did was stop making daily goals for contacts. Theoretically, if you're working hard, you shouldn't need those. You should just be trying to talk to everybody! Anyways, this new method has potential to be super awesome. Give people a better image of missionaries.
Missionaries in Korea have kind of a bad image. That's part of what the plan is with this new thing, is to improve our image. It's actually not to the fault of our missionaries that we have a bad image, but its because of these "proselyters" for other churches. They get paid to work and are really crazy, also they copy our strategies for missionary work.
Stories for this week. So we met this guy on Thursday. Dude is super nice and bought us dinner on Friday. He wanted to buy us dinner last night along with another guy, but we were kind of busy and had already eaten so we didn't get to, but still a super awesome guy.
For any of those of you who were curious about screen golf, it is sooooooooo fun. Kinda really easy, but really hard at the same time. So every single shot has the exact same lie so it's not like there's any real difficulty that varies between the different holes, unless you're like me and can't aim regardless. Also it makes you feel less good when you think you hit it far because it's in meters, not yards. Suuuuuuuuupppppeeer fun. Also is only like 10 bucks! I'm pretty sure the only one of those things I've seen in America was like, 150 bucks. Kinda flip flopped here.
Final story. So last tuesday, had the craziest weather I have ever seen in my entire life~!!! So crazy. The Zone Leaders weren't there, but it was psycho! So it was 1 in the afternoon and looked like it was maybe, 7 at night that's how crazy the clouds were. We had an appointment, but I had to cancel it cause it was so gnarly outside. It legitimately looked like the footage that you see from the hurricanes. We went back inside until it calmed down, and it felt like the least productive time in missionary work of my life. Weather was bugging me that day. Maybe we weren't supposed to meet that person. Who knows?!?!
Sorry, we're kind of busy today so we don't have too much time, but if you have any questions go ahead and shoot me an email!!
I love you all. The work here is so awesome. I'm super bummed that I've got less than half of my mission left. It makes me super sad. I'm more scared for the change going home than the change I had in becoming a missionary. It's not too soon, but man it approaches faster and faster. Makes me sad that we can never get time back. Gotta do it right the first time, and if not, learn from the mistakes otherwise time is too short. Life is too short to not take the time to be busy, but to take the time to smell the roses too. Don't waste your time doing nothing, but even more don't miss the beauty around us.
Stay awesome everyone!!!
클라슨 장로
Our home stake does a weekend program called Strippling Warriors. The youth all spend a few days preparing to be missionaries. The stake president asked Scott to write a note to the prospective missionaries & this is what he said. So sweet =)
With regard to what my mission has meant to me, there's lot's of things I could say about that. It has been the greatest experience I've ever had. I know it sounds cliche, but I can promise you that it's the truth. There is nothing like it. It would be a blatant lie to tell you that there are no hard times, but they're hard to point out if you work hard, because the good experiences are far heavier in the scale of things. The most important thing I would say about serving a mission and advice for it, is not to fall into the trap of complacency and disobedience. It is so much fun to be obedient really. There's no reason you shouldn't either! It's two years where you get to have the opportunity to only focus on the Lord and his children. If you focus well and are obedient, I can promise you that he will focus on you! The blessing are insane! You wouldn't believe how crazy it is. I know that we get these blessings as a result of the love our Heavenly Father has for his children. The opportunity to serve a mission is such a gift, and not one to be taken lightly. I love this time, and I'm kinda bummed it's already half way over, but I know it's the greatest!! Work hard, and love everyone!
Elder Clawson
With regard to what my mission has meant to me, there's lot's of things I could say about that. It has been the greatest experience I've ever had. I know it sounds cliche, but I can promise you that it's the truth. There is nothing like it. It would be a blatant lie to tell you that there are no hard times, but they're hard to point out if you work hard, because the good experiences are far heavier in the scale of things. The most important thing I would say about serving a mission and advice for it, is not to fall into the trap of complacency and disobedience. It is so much fun to be obedient really. There's no reason you shouldn't either! It's two years where you get to have the opportunity to only focus on the Lord and his children. If you focus well and are obedient, I can promise you that he will focus on you! The blessing are insane! You wouldn't believe how crazy it is. I know that we get these blessings as a result of the love our Heavenly Father has for his children. The opportunity to serve a mission is such a gift, and not one to be taken lightly. I love this time, and I'm kinda bummed it's already half way over, but I know it's the greatest!! Work hard, and love everyone!
Elder Clawson
Hey President!
This week has been good, and somewhat difficult at the same time. So if you've noticed from our key indicators, we had a baptism planned this week for Saturday, but he is still struggling with tobacco, so unfortunately, we need to make that our focus. Well sort of our focus, I think we've failed a bit in explaining the importance of the Book of Mormon to him. I think once he starts studying that more effectively that he will be great and set to go to be baptized. He wants to know God, he just seems to be struggling a little with the surrounding things before baptism. I really want to help him get there, but I feel like I'm trying to rush it too much in some regards. I know he will get baptized. There is no doubt in my mind, but there are just some things that are in his way right now.
Elder Webber is still doing great as ever. Really his progression impresses me everyday. It's interesting, because he does so much better in the actual situations than he does in role play. One of those, the pressure makes him better sort of guys I suppose. Its been super awesome to see him progress like he has. Still a little of a struggle with Korean, but hey, who doesn't?
A super awesome miracle that happened this week came on Saturday. We have this investigator who we thought mostly just had foreigner interest, and he wanted to meet on Saturday. He wanted us to come have lunch and watch a soccer match with him. I keep on telling him we can't watch soccer or tv for that matter, but he still keeps asking. It's kind of funny, but anyways back to the story. So we decided to head over to his house (a little bit late so the game would be over) and we met his wife as well. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon a week or two ago, and just asked him to read it because it was kind of a strange setting (we were at his police station, he's a police officer). Turns out they had been reading it together, and both really enjoyed it. They are very nice people, and seem to love the Lord. I hope we can continue to bring them closer.
Have a great week, and thanks for the advice you always have to offer. I do my best to appreciate all that you do for us, and pray for you all the time!
Elder Clawson
This week has been good, and somewhat difficult at the same time. So if you've noticed from our key indicators, we had a baptism planned this week for Saturday, but he is still struggling with tobacco, so unfortunately, we need to make that our focus. Well sort of our focus, I think we've failed a bit in explaining the importance of the Book of Mormon to him. I think once he starts studying that more effectively that he will be great and set to go to be baptized. He wants to know God, he just seems to be struggling a little with the surrounding things before baptism. I really want to help him get there, but I feel like I'm trying to rush it too much in some regards. I know he will get baptized. There is no doubt in my mind, but there are just some things that are in his way right now.
Elder Webber is still doing great as ever. Really his progression impresses me everyday. It's interesting, because he does so much better in the actual situations than he does in role play. One of those, the pressure makes him better sort of guys I suppose. Its been super awesome to see him progress like he has. Still a little of a struggle with Korean, but hey, who doesn't?
A super awesome miracle that happened this week came on Saturday. We have this investigator who we thought mostly just had foreigner interest, and he wanted to meet on Saturday. He wanted us to come have lunch and watch a soccer match with him. I keep on telling him we can't watch soccer or tv for that matter, but he still keeps asking. It's kind of funny, but anyways back to the story. So we decided to head over to his house (a little bit late so the game would be over) and we met his wife as well. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon a week or two ago, and just asked him to read it because it was kind of a strange setting (we were at his police station, he's a police officer). Turns out they had been reading it together, and both really enjoyed it. They are very nice people, and seem to love the Lord. I hope we can continue to bring them closer.
Have a great week, and thanks for the advice you always have to offer. I do my best to appreciate all that you do for us, and pray for you all the time!
Elder Clawson
Hey everyone!!!
The subject is in reference to how bad my fingers are going to hurt because of all the heat generated as a result of how fast I'm going to have to try to type to fit everything in to this email in the allotted time that we have to email as missionaries. SOOO SHORT!!!
I guess that's what we have mouths for because I can talk a lot faster than I can type. Neither am I mighty in typing like unto speaking for when a man speaketh really fast then information comes out way quicker! I guess it is more permanent though when you right it. Oh well dilemna of being a missionary.
This week has been kinda up and down, but was pretty fun.
Super fun experience contacting on Tuesday. One of the Zone Leaders and myself decided to go to one of the other areas in our district to try and help find the missionaries there some investigators. We ended up where we did, kind of by accident. The Zone Leader had never been to this area before really, and thought we got off at a certain station which isn't where I had initially thought of, but is still part of their area. We got off there, and it's this place that is just full of foreigners. Mostly Chinese people, but a lot of others too. Mostly not Americans or Canadians though, so not too much English gets used. So we were there, and ended up talking to pretty much premierely Chinese people. There were some fun experiences there. There was this one guy who spoke not one word of Korean, and my companion at the time (the Zone Leader) took some chinese in college, but has forgotten a lot. We spent a long time trying to talk to this guy. My comp was asking me to help out, but I still have to work to speak Korean let alone CHinese!!!! How am I supposed to do that?!?! It was cool though. Incredibly nice man. There's some strange bond between foreigners. Why don't I just speak all the languages!?!?!?! Gosh dangit Babel!
We met this other guy this week at a screen golf place which was fun. We didn't get to screen golf because it wasn't a valuable use of our time, but it did inspire us to go screen golfing on Pday! Which is today!!! Gonna go down!!
Fun experience this week, my permanent retainer on the bottom row of my teeth fell out. I was super concerned for the well being of my orthodontia, and so called President and his wife and the powers that be, and got it put back in the next day. Worked out just fine, but sent me for a bit of a scare. I need to stop drinking soda!!! Stuff totally acts counter dentistry/orthodontics.
My previous companion Elder Lee went home this week. He was in the north mission, but I guess no longer is. I got to see him one time before he goes back to America which is fun. We got to have dinner with the one, the only Murphy!!! Super fun day. Also the last 2 times that I've had Baskin Robbins, Elder Lee bought it for me!!! Success!!!!!!
Ahhh, I'm out of time so we gotta go! But yeah I guess this is like the week that I hit my year mark. Cool, but I'm really bummed. I feel like I'm just starting to kind of understand missionary work and how to do things, and then all the sudden, I'm over the hill!!! I just gotta make an impact while I can I guess.
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