Friday, September 14, 2012

Half way through the MTC!!

Hey Everyone!
Everything is going great here in the MTC! there's a lot to talk about and not much time so I apologize in advance for spelling errors and grammar mistakes, also I'll try and throw a little Korean in at ttimes just to spice things up a bit!
So first off It's been way great seeing ELder Evans around and referring to him as such, but is kind of lame to see him go so early, not in the respect that it's lame he spends 3 weeks here, but that I spend 11 and he showed up 3 weeks after me and leaves way before but whatever, it's the lord's decision.  So I've met some really great guys over the last week or so here.  One guy I met is probably going to be playing in a Premier league soccer team when he returns from his mission, and that dude tears it up at soccer accordingly.  It's pretty embatassing to go up against him, but he's still just way fun  to play with.  He's heading to Oklahoma and got his mission call less than a month ago.  From what I gather a whole district of missionaries got sent home because they had the bright idea to try and have hot tub parties in the baptismal font.  Future missionaries, do not do anything that stupid please.  However if you go to Korea you get to hang out in bath houses and hang out in hot tubs anyways! That's way fun, yet slightly awkward at the same time I suppose.  Also future missionaries, try and spend the time prior to your mission getting in the right frame of mind.  I'm not saying that I have had any trouble with that sort of thing, but I have definitely seen other Elders who seem to be having trouble with that sort of thing, and it really shows with their countenence.
Another missionary in my zone, get this, was an olympic gymnast on the Canadian team this year, but decided to serve a mission and just try out for the olympics again in 4 years.  Any of you who think you have something that is more promising than a mission, let this be an example, that you don't.  The lord has plans for all of us, even the ones who are talented beyond belief.  If you ever wonder, think about the guy from Canada, or even Elder Merkley!
So the senior missionaries to us left yesterday.  It was a sad day, but we were way excited for them.  While I'll get to see a lot of them again, the balance of them I probably won't be able to see again, but that's alright they're doing the right thing.  On sunday after sacrament they sand this song called 아리랑 which was easily one of the most powerful songs I have ever heard.  Also the native Koreans sang I Know that My Redeemer Lives, and sorry Desi if you're reading this, but it was hands down the best thing I've ever heard, though at this point I may be significantly more partial to the Korean Language.  The natives are all such great and loving people, and I miss all of them, except I will most likely be able to see all of them again, because all of them will be serving in Seoul!  There's so much to look forward to for when I get to the country and so much more to learn, but I'm still wayyyyy excited even if I won't be able to communicate that well.
With regard to pictures, thats a tough situation for a few reasons.  1st the computers dont seem to like my camera, but I will be dilligent in lookingfor a way to get some pictures home to you.  2nd it's so hard to have time for it all! there's so much to say, but then again a pictures is worth a thousand words, so again I'll keep trying.  Also wouldn'te it be way sweet to jhust get a mountain of pictures all at once? anyways, I'll try and do better about that.  Well the computer just told me to stop talking so I better go, I'm sorry if there's some things i missed, but dear elder me about them, and I will do my best to get back to you!
저는 요로분을 사랑함니다!
그라건 장로님

Google says the Korean at the bottom means "I loved the minutes of the urinary tract.! Gras Gun Elder"  Not so sure that's what he meant. Actually quite certain he meant something completely different. Oh Google...

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