Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's hard to understand President Monson's jokes in Korean

Hey President!
Lot's of things happened this week and Conference was awesome as ever! I missed out on a little bit due to helping the zone leaders get their investigators involved, but that's just fine. For study this week I focused on my training, and then on investigators. The training was interesting because I feel like I wasn't sharing anything remotely new, but everyone said they liked it so that was cool. What I studied for our investigators never really came into application because they either didn't meet, or the lessons didn't go as planned, but that is okay.
I still claim that Elder Mumford is indeed training me and I am the one who should be thankful and am very thankful for him. I swear the only thing that he needs me for is the language (which he hardly does need me for sometimes) and minor cultural things. It is a pleasure to serve around someone so diligent as him.
One of the investigators we have right now is an incredible man, who is probably one of the nicest men I have ever met. He has one of the most genuine desires to learn, and really is willing to put whatever we say to the test through prayer and study of the Book of Mormon. An incredibly easy investigator to love to say the least.
A recurring miracle that we seem to happen upon is just the opportunities we get to talk to people, and how all the timing lines up perfectly so that we get to see them at just the right time, where we have an opportunity to start a conversation in the manner that will help them recognize us as servants of the lord.
Have a great week!
Elder Clawson
Hey Everybody!!!!
So I'm not sure if you're aware but in Korea we watch conference the week after it has been recorded, so I just recently got to watch it yesterday and saturday.  SOOOOOOOO AWWWWWEEEESSSSSSOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEE!  Now that overzealousness has taken its entire role with regard to capital letters and redudancy, yes it was awesome.  I didn't get to watch/understand all of it due to time spent watching it in Korean, and time spent looking for investigators, but the parts of it that I did get to watch were incredible, as were the parts I didn't,  I'm just not totally sure why yet hahaha.
So there have been lots of fun experiences this week.  One of the better ones was my accidental journey out of the mission into the 대전 (dae-jeon) mission.  I'm sorry brother Lanier, I didn't mean to impede on your stomping grounds.  So we were intending to go to district meeting, and so we went to the train station.  On bigger subway lines, there are what are called rapids, and if you get on one, it skips a bunch of stops and brings you to a destination in quicker time than otherwise would occur.  We got on a train, that apparently was a rapid, however, it skipped all the stops that would leave us in our mission, and went like three train stops into the other mission.  Don't worry I called president, and he said it was okay and an honest mistake.  It most certainly was scary though.  We made it back in time for district meeting though, and all was well.
At district meeting, I gave my first training as a district leader.  Boy was that stressful.  I cannot begin to express to you how weird it feels when the balance of the missionaries in the room are older than you, and you're supposed to be training them.  Certainly a new experience.
Another fun story, the other day, we ran into a pastor for another church.  He pretty much just yelled at me for like ten minutes.  My companion tried talking to him, and then the guy started calling us a cult (not that strange by the way) and proceeded to try and make me look stupid in front of everyone that was around.  I have found that when you are speaking with someone who needs to hear about the gospel, and the words they are saying are important, the spirit will make sure you understand.  With this guy it was the total opposite.  He had no interest in what we were trying to share, so the spirit may have impaired my understanding, as well as my companion's, of what he was trying to say, to preserve us.  I legitimately tried everything that you're supposed to do in PMG, testify, talk about how you don't want to argue and what not, but he was still just as rude and incosiderate.  My companion told me after, that he could see the discomfort on our behalf in the people around us.  I'm just glad that this man was young enough to still have an opportunity to be helped by other more capable servants than myself.
While that was a fun (and by fun I mean not remotely fun) experience, it was not the highlight of my week.  The investigator I talked about in my email to president came to our appointment, and he's a super busy dude, but he'd already read like halfway through first nephi I think.  He wasn't specific, but he said that he wants to finish all of 1st Nephi before our next appointment.  Sooooooo nice of a man.  I cannot begin to express the love I feel for this man, and how badly I want to help him to understand the love that God feels for him, and that he can feel in return.  I think he may be the first investigator that I have had this sort of a connection with, and it makes me feel somewhat bad for my other investigators.
Right now we have to go, because my companion is like 6 foot 10 foot 4, we have to go places far away to find him a suit, but that's okay, because he needs one so we will do it!
One last thing, one thing that I got a whole bunch of out of conference, is that the lord prepares paths for the prepared to find his church not just through those who are full time missionaries, but for all members!  Make sure you look for those opportunities, so that you can feel that joy that comes with the work of the Lord!
Have a great week!
클라슨 장로

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