Monday, May 6, 2013

Which Prog Rock band do you think is the three nephites?

So, Mom & I decided that we are quite certain that Rush is not the 3 Nephites simply because if they were they would have music that we like. Currently they do not. Also Scott sent a couple pictures that I will post soon AND I will post a picture of the baby lion that Tony & I got to hold. We know there is a slight animal rights issue to it, but.... He was cute. That's all. 

Hey President!
So this week has been fun, I am a little sad that Elder Witt is no longer with us over here in 안양, but I know he'll do great things in his new position of leadership. He's an incredible missionary, and I'm sure you know that.
Anyways, this week with regard to training, there's been some fun experiences. Elder Mumford has been, well for lack of a better word somewhat doubting with regards to some of the advice that I give him, so he tests it out, and then I end up right, so he's learning to trust in the experience of others this week hahaha. In all honesty I still don't know if there's anything that I teach him at this point, it's either Korean, or I'm not picking up on it. He's awesome and will do incredible things for Korea.
We have lost contact with a bunch of our investigators, but they've been being replaced sort of by other people. We have this one lady who is from China, so her background with religion is so barren. It really is such an interesting and different experience to teach her, one that I am really grateful for.
For study this week, I've been working for investigators, but the break from preparing for a training has been very nice as well. Just reading the Book of Mormon is so great. There's always so much to learn.
I'm having a little trouble thinking of a specific miracle right now to tell the truth, but I know they are there. There are always things to see, and I'm certainly grateful for them, they just maybe somewhat hard to notice at some points. I think it's really great recently how we've been able to work as a threesome these past couple days and just see the power there. It's so great to have Elder Woodford to help out.
Thanks for everything and a great transfer!
-Elder Clawson
Hello Everybody!!!
I don't know if anyone was aware, but it is transfers week again!  Crazy!!!!!  I'm only going into my 6th transfer in the field, which is crazy because I still feel new, but based on the amount of missionaries that are coming in and such, I am actually in the older half of missionaries in the field right now!  That's crazy!  I'm not even half way done or really even very close but I'm among the older both real age wise and mission age wise.  It's crazy how fast, yet slow mission time goes by.  The time right before transfer calls, namely the Friday before and the Saturday of, are like 50 days long!!!! It's awful, and then the rest of the time goes by crazy fast.
So with transfers, there is lots of news right?  Well not really, and yes at the same time.  FIrst off, there is nothing changing in my companionship at all, but the Zone Leaders had a change.  One of the Elders will be spending another transfer here, brining his total here in this area up to 8 transfers, and the other one is the new AP!  So crazy!!  And saddening because he was super fun and we are definitely going to miss him.  Legitimately one of my favorite missionaries in the mission, and I only got to spend one transfer with him.  That being said, they pick up the APs before transfer day, so now me and the Zone Leader that's staying, and my trainee are in a threesome.  It's crazy, there are lots of advantages as well as disadvantages about a threesome.
Total tangent time, but with regards to threesomes, let's talk about the three nephites for a moment.  My companion Elder Mumford is convinced that the band Rush is actually composed of the three Nephites.  I'm not entirely convinced yet, but he's pretty adamate.  There's no irrefutable evidence, but their music is pretty good, so maybe.  Maybe not.  I'm leaning towards the latter to be totally honest, but hey, you never can be too sure.  I'd imagine the three nephites would have more significant things to minister too as well as to write songs about were it the case.
So I get another transfer of being district leader and training over here in Korea.  District Leader isn't that bad becuase we get to organize lots of activities to help out areas, but the trainings are a little stressful.  I gave 4 in the past transfer in a row.  Legitimately the most possible amount you could potentially give in a transfer based on the way things go.  I get a two week break from that though, so that's a blessing.  Our district is going to be so young it's crazy!  Everyone that will be in it at this point is now less than a year in the mission, except one Elder.  So crazy!
I feel like I don't have a whole lot to share this week.  We're going to play soccer in an area that is part of the zone where all of my previous companions were serving.  My MTC companion is going to be an office elder, who similar to the aps get taken to their new areas a little earlier than everyone else.  We usually don't do things that are that athletic on pdays here, just kinda clean, go shopping, and whatever else is necessary for the time being.  Last week we got a bunch of ties.  I got like 10 for 30 bucks!  It was awesome!!!!!
Oh yeah, for those of you who think you're cool, my sister went on a cruise last week, and wait for it.... held a baby lion!!!!!  How legit is that?!?!  Not to mention that she and her awesome husband (my brother in law) got second place in the doubles ping pong tournament.  Tony also got first in the singles tournament, so in case you thought that you were cooler than my sister and her husband, sorry the only people who can say that are Jesus, prophets (and other servents of that echelon), Heavenly Father, and my parents.  I know, it's hard to be related to such awesome people, but we do our best to measure up.
I'm sorry I don't have much to share about the work this week.  There was a lot of contacting done this week, and a lot of investigators falling away from us.  Kind of sad, but it leaves room for others who can have more potential to progress.
I also apologize for the length of this email, but we are a little short on time.  I look forward to talking to you guys every week, and I hope next week I can do a little better job.  This week has been great, but there's always room for improvement!  Make sure to leave room for the spirit to be a part of your lives!
클라슨 장로
반갑습니다! ^^  (that means I am joyful sort of like pleased to meet you)

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