Wednesday, August 22, 2012

3 weeks down, 101 to go!

Not only did we receive a new email this week, but Mom & I (Lindsay, aka Scott's sister) received actual hand written letters! They were addressed specifically to us, so we won't post them, but basically they detailed the adjustment from normal life to missionary life & stark differences. Also I sent him 7 greeting cards with random stickers & such. He thought that was funny, thank heaven- it was a 50/50 shot that he would think I'm ridiculous rather than sweet... He, so far, has exceeded our expectations in the communication department. We still have no pictures though. Sad.

Here is the new email-

Hey everyone!

I was going to try and write the greeting in Korean, but the computers here are kinda spaztic so I was not able to get the Korean keyboard running.  Well I'm glad to hear from you guys and how you are doing.  I've sent like 4 letters already, but I don't think I've gotten any acknoledgement that they ever got to their destinations, so I'm beginning to think either the MTC eats outgoing mail, I suck at writing addresses or something, or you guys just haven't gotten around to responding about said letters. At any rate, know that I have been writing letters, and I did not forget the rest of the world, far from it as the case may be.
It's been interesting for a while here these past few weeks.  I have no recollection whatsoever what I wrote last time, and I don't think I really have time to read over the past email, so if things seem repetitive I apologize.  For gym time we've basically played soccer primarily, as opposed to basketball, foursquare, or volleyball.  I'm pretty glad that that's the case because I'm better than most at soccer, and worse than most at basketball.  It seems like all the BYU football players, or just football players for that matter, get called to the Mandarin speaking missions which are in our districts.  They are kind of interesting to have around for sports, just because of how loud they feel sports have to be, but it's entertaining to say the least.  There's also this one dude that I'm pretty sure doesn't really belong here just based on the way he talks during sports and the vocabulary he uses, but whatever that's his issue not mine.
Part of me is kind of wishing I could have entered six weeks ago because the older districts seem like people that I may have got along with a little better, and would have done better to learn from.  Not to shoot down any of the people in my district, it's just I get kind of tired of being asked questions all the time, about something I barely understand, but being that I'm the one being asked the questions, it appears I may be doing better than most when it comes to the language, which by the way is still punching me in the face and kidneys daily.  Our teacher says our district is moving insanely fast though, especially relative to the other districts that came in at the same time as us.  We're learning things that I guess people don't really learn until they're like 8 weeks into the MTC.  That being said, our teacher has also told us that we will be learning more basic things for the next week or so.  While I have been doing well with grammar, vocab does not seem to be my strong suit.  I can't figure out a way to study it that it sticks. I've tried flashcards, quizzing, and a bunch of other things, but I can only get like 8 words a day when others are getting 20.  I guess it's just something I need to work, and since I've never really studied before I guess I need to learn how a bit.
There are some really fun people I have met here too.  There's this one elder, Elder Forbes, who is seriously one of the funniest people I've ever met.  He's not in our district, and He's going to the Taejung mission, so I guess I'll have to savor the time I have here with him.  Most of his roommates are pretty funny too.  For Bosco and Peter, there's one who knows about the Kyle Herp Derp dude, and we've been quoting it pretty constantly since we found out that each of us knew what it was.  Today we rocked a little bit of an NSYNC while we were just waiting around in there room, before we did our laundry.  It was way fun, and about the best sounding singing ever.  We pretty much deserve to be a boy band at this point.  Hit up Columbia records for us if you get a chance anyone!
If you are reading this, I want you to write me or email me or something when you get home, so I know you got home safe and are not dead!  I had a dream and you were in it last night, and I about punched a brick wall when I woke up cause I was pretty bummed.  At any rate, Maximus requires you to apprise him of your state of living. 
Sorry for that little outburst everybody.  It had to be said. 
The temple here is pretty cool, it's massive!  There's this one staircase that seriously is the greatest thing in the whole entire world.  The way the air conditioning works, there's this huge pressure differential between the ground floor and the basement, so when you walk up or down it there's this amazing breeze that just would make you the happiest little school girl in the world, regardless of gender or age.  It's a lot better looking on the inside than the out too, but there's still things I really prefer about the Redlands temple to the Provo one.
Were still just barely getting into learning gospel stuff pretty much, but what we are learning are called the fundamentals.  It's basically what we're supposed to teach so that people can become comfortable with the church, and not afraid of us/think we have horns.  All in all it's a pretty cool experience here, but I cannot wait to get out of this tiny area and get into the country.  I Basically figured out that if you tripled the size of the MTC all the way up to the temple, it would be about the size of a space that roughly 55,000 people would occupy in Seoul.  It's pretty gnarly to think about but kinda awesome at the same time!
I look forward to hearing from people, and getting a package today!
Elder Scott Clawson

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