Sorry for the delayed post- its been a crazy week!! But here is Scott's letter for this week. So so so proud of him & happy for him! FYI the eventful week at home includes my engagement & we have plans to create a life size cardboard cutout of my Scott so that he can kinda be there since he will be over in Korea. Gonna be so fun! The Elders Williams, Conover & Evans are various guys that Scott grew up with & are in the mission process as well. So so fun to see these kids be adults and representatives of Jesus Christ to the world. So proud of all of them!!!
Hey everybody!
So I was going to write a bunch of things in Korean, but I don't have the keyboard layout memorized yet, and for some reason or another, the computer won't let you open up the onscreen keyboard when you are on your email, so I apologize for that!
Aside from that though, this last week has been pretty great! last tuesday, at the devotional Elder Neil L. Anderson spoke and it was a super awesome talk. We weren't too sure who was speaking last week because usually if it's someone of less consequence than a 12 or first presidency they let you know who it is, and they hadn't made us aware of who was speaking yet, so we had a bit of a hunch that it was someone of significance. The moment he walked in the building you could just tell he was an apostle of the Lord and his presence just invited the spirit like nobody's business. Actually I don't think invited is the correct term, more like commanded almost. It was a really cool experience. It was President Monson's birthday last tuesday so Elder Anderson compiled a bunch of points that President Monson likes to make and went over them in his talk. It wasn't the most normal of talks, but was a cool one nonetheless, and pretty appropriate considering the occasion.
This past Sunday's fireside was a cool one too. I can't remember the speaker's name at the moment, but he was a member of the MTC high up staff I guess (they usually speak on sundays and apostles or GAs generally come to the tuesday devotionals). He started his talk by asking all the missionaries to say a prayer quickly of what they need to hear about at that time, and he would do his best to follow the promptings he recieved to talk about those things. I swear this dude must have been perfectly in touch with the spirit or something because every single missionary I talked to said he covered what they had been praying about, including myself. Afterwards, we watched this movie that was a replaying of Elder Bednar's MTC Christmas address from I'm not sure when, but I'm guessing whenever the last Christmas was that was a Sunday, because it was indeed a Sunday in the movie. That was a really amazing talk, and I really wish I could have been here to hear it in person. He talked about the Character of Christ, which in simplest of terms meant to turn outward to help others, when others would turn inward. He gave some really great examples, and if you have any means by which to try and find that talk, I would really encourage you to try to watch it.
Well it looks like it's been a pretty eventful week back home with you guys too! I don't want to spoil anything for anyone else, but then again I do, considering you decided to wait until 3 weeks after I left to act on things *cough cough* Tony... In all seriousness though, I'm super happy for you two, and I kind of enjoy the novelty of having a cardboard cut out of myself in existence. That's kind of awesome, and I mandate that you keep said cardboard cutout until I get back, just so I can see me in all my glorious splendor!!!
It's pretty sweet here whenever you go to the temple, I don't think I've gone yet without people telling me how to be a great missionary, which I'm really grateful for considering I don't really know where to begin, much less in Korean. I'm really starting to enjoy the language. It is incredibly tough, but even more rewarding. You can see the gift of tongues working here in the MTC. I'm sure in any other environment that there is not a way on this earth that I would have learned as much as I have in the past three weeks. It's really amazing just to think about.
Elder Williams left for Boston last week, and he seemed pretty excited about it. I was jealous to say the least, but let's be honest I don't know enough Korean to function yet, so it's definitely for the best. Also, I'm not sure when he came in, I'm guessing it was last week, but I've been seeing Elder Conover all over the place. Dude's not even that tall, he's like an inch and a half taller than me, and pretty much looks exactly the same. It's pretty great haha. I'm super excited to see Elder Evans tomorrow!!!!!!!!! I'm giving him the biggest hug ever!(elder's are allowed to hug each other, don't worry) I'm super excited that he could make it out here, and super jealous that he'll be gone in 3 weeks. That's okay though, he'll be well prepared in that time.
So craziest thing ever, one of my friends from school, not a missionary right now, also female, comes and volunteers for TRC on saturdays in Korean! It's so crazy how small of a world it is that she'll be around like that! I'm not sure how effective I'll be at teaching her though. 하영, you better not mess with me if I teach you, also I apologize if I spelled your name wrong, spelling in Korean is not one of my strong suits at this point, much less typing based on memory of the keyboard.
We have some really great teachers here who really do a great job with the language as well as teaching us the gospel side of things. It's really cool to see how people love the mission experience so much that they feel they need to come back and teach others who will be serving as well. It's crossed my mind to do the same when I get back, but that's a ways away.
In regards to the thermals Lindsay keeps asking about, no I do not have tops, I only have bottoms I'm pretty sure, and other fun news is that I lost my voice! isn't that just grand? haha
I love you all and look forward to hearing more from you guys!
Love Elder Clawson
p.s. Dear elder's are kinda awesome, but don't really work on saturday and sunday, so try and get them done earlier than that if you wish to send them and they are of an urgent nature.
He is doing so great! I love being able to keep up with how he is doing on the blog, thanks for all your work! Love you all