Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Here is week nine, last week.  Oops, I forgot to put this up...  I dont know how many of you are really out there anyway.  =)  

Hey family and everyone else!
So again, I'm kind of tired writing this email so I may not be as fun as usual, but all the same I will write this email with the intention of being fun for everyone! So first off, HOLY COW, I enter the mission field in less than two weeks! Well, kind of because we leave monday for Korea and don't really arrive until wednesday, so that will be a fun journey. Also right this moment I'm being kind of humbled a bit because the native Korean sisters are speaking in Korean in the same room that I'm writing this email, and its kinda not understandable for me at all. I don't know if I already said it but the native Koreans are sooooo fun. It's really great because they love everyone and its so entertaining and fun just to be around them. Also way entertaining, there's always this debate that comes up about Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker, and everyone that ever talks in it hates those two players, except for my companion. We were talking about it with the natives and one of them follows the NBA a bunch, and he said "Tony Parker... HATE!" It was easily one of the funniest moments in the MTC. My companion will not cease to say that flopping is a good strategy but enough about basketball, that's not what I'm here for as you well know.
The language is still just as gnarly as ever. Sometimes I try and just wrap my brain around how it would feel to be fluent and it just doesn't work. I just can't comprehend what it is like to be fluent in another language, but I know it will come in due time. It's a tough language, but it's way fun to speak, and I really can't wait until I get to try and use it every day. It will most certainly be a mess, possibly disastrous, ideally not so, but nonetheless, there's a lot of words that are really close that have entirely different meanings. For example, 사단 is Satan, 사당 is candy. I think I spelled it right, but at any rate, since you most likely can't read the Korean if you're reading this letter, the only difference in those two words, is that the first is pronounced sah-tahn, and the second is pronounce sah-tahng, with an incredibly supressed g for the latter. That's just one example amongst many, and there are definitely some that are far worse than that. If you're not careful, instead of praying to Heavenly Father you could end up praying to the great hippopotamus father. That one is pretty easy to avoid at this point though.
General Conference was unreal! That announcement Saturday morning was just nuts! I'm pretty glad it came out when it did though, if it had come out a year or two ago, I wouldn't have met a whole bunch of the friends that I made at BYU. Even though it would have been way cool to get that call a year earlier, who knows where I would have gone and how I would have reacted. I know where I am right now is the right place for me. This in mind though, I would like to tell all those who are approaching the now closer age at which one can serve a mission, PREPARE NOW! Kyle Merkley, Kyle Beck, Brandon Diebold, Kayvon Aussef, Tyler Benson, and whoever else I may be forgetting, start getting ready. It is the greatest thing you will ever do, there is no question about that. Never doubt the fact that you will be on the Lord's errand and if you are prepared, you will be blessed. Truth be told I wish I was a little more prepared in many regards, but the most important thing is to prepare yourself spiritually, and also based on worthiness. There's a Mormon Message by Jeffrey R. Holland called stay within the lines that's really good, and any aspiring missionary should watch it. It talks a great deal about worthiness and you should not ever let yourself fall victim to something that is avoidable like any problems with worthiness can be.
Okay I'm done yelling at people for a while I guess. The whole entirety of conference was soooooo good though! The talk by Elder Nelson was so cool! Since Mitt Romney is in the election and what not, we figure a whole bunch of more people would be watching General Conference, and so basically every state-side missionary just got a whole mountain of referrals from an Apostle of the Lord. Kinda awesome for all of you stateside fellows! I was kinda bummed that Elder Holland didn't speak in Priesthood because when he does that's always pretty entertaining because half the time you end up just feeling like you can do so much better, which you can. All the same it was all so awesome, and I was really glad to hear from Elder Hales and President Packer. With their health deteriorating like it is, it's anyone's guess as to how many times more we get to hear from them.
Also, this was pretty entertaining, Sunday evening's devotional was pretty greater. We got to hear from Chad Lewis and his wife. While it's not quite as awesome as hearing from the brethren, I will say it's still pretty sweet getting to hear from a Pro-Bowl football player. It was so funny too, because one of my roommates was going up to shake Brother Lewis' hand, and his daughter stopped my roommate and was like "Hey, I know your younger sister can we get a picture?" After the devotional, that same roommate went up to Chad Lewis because he didn't end up shaking his hand just due to lack of time before, and Brother Lewis' daughter says "Hey Dad, this is Morgan Hellbusch's older brother!" at which Brother Lewis responds "Oh hey thats so cool! Your sisters awesome, I love that girl." Funniest happenstance I've seen in quite some time. I've been joking around since that Elder Hellbusch is going to marry into Chad Lewis' family. It was pretty great hahahaha.
Well I'm out of time, I love you all and hope you continue to do well and be safe!
그라슨 장로

Google translate - 'Love, that Larson Elders"
He is getting there... 

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