By the way, take note of his delightful comment regarding his disappointment that his assignment with the senior missionaries cut into his study time. Love, love, love that!!! I wonder if his brain still hurts....
12:37 PM (1 hour ago)
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From: Scott Clawson <>
To: clegmaker <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 2, 2012 7:21 am
Subject: Week 8
Hey everyone!
I'm really tired right now cause I just woke up and usually I do the email thing later in the day so I cannot promise to be as fun as usual. Also still not sure what it was but just a second ago there was another disclaimer for this letter I was going to say but I have since forgotten it. Well anyways, I guess I'll kind of just get started as per usual. This week has been pretty fun, and the native Koreans got here yesterday. I've only had the opportunity to talk to one of them really and he doesn't speak much English at all so I'm not sure if talk is the correct word for me to use, but nonetheless they are here, which is way exciting. This means that I now have less than three weeks before I leave this place! Not to say the MTC is a bad place but being that this is my 8th week here or at least 8th letter home, I think you can follow how it could get tiring, and how I just want to be in Korea. The natives just get to be a little taste of the country before I actually get to head over there so that will be way sweet.
In regards to the selective service thing, I was never really sure if I had gotten fully processed or whatever when I did it back home because it was online, and I trust the US government so when they say I didn't register, I have reason to believe them just with how awkward the online thing was. Mom, if you're worried about me being in the draft twice, I doubt I am, and even if the draft was re-instated, I would probably enlist so I don't think it would really make a difference, but it's not really going to be an issue I think. Don't worry about it, just worry about the people of Korea and their needs that I will aim to fill and help with!
So there was a day that I got bored and just ended up watching a gang of the "I'm a Mormon" videos, and Ryan Wright is totally on that website! If you kind surf around it for a while just going and watching all the people's videos, you can find him as one of the full size video things! It's so gnarly to see someone from my home ward (also my mission) that's on that website. I now have a new aspiration in life to be on said website hahahaha. Also that website in generel is pretty sweet, I don't know if you guys have ever checked it out, but it's way legit! I seriously spent like an hour just watching videos of all the awesome people that are in this church and at the same time some of the really weird people hahah. It's pretty cool to look at so if you get a chance that'd be a fun/cool thing to do.
So Nate's washing machine story is kinda silly in all honesty. For lack of a better word I use silly, but I think it's appropriate at the time. That's unfortunate that it broke, but I'm glad to hear that he was willing to replace it even though based on what I've heard I don't think he needed to. I'm still not entirely sure, it's a bit confusing honestly but that's okay, such is life. Nate, in your direction you should check out the Jeremy Jones I'm a Mormon thing. It's pretty legit and he has a snowboard that smells like PIZZA!!!!! How cool is that?!?! Anyways yeah Nate check those out, there's some way sweet videos on there!
As far as my experiences this week there's nothing that's too far out of the ordinary. Oh wait, I just lied, there was something that was strange and out of the ordinary! So yesterday my friend Andrew Walton was supposed to be on a flight to Nicouragua, and they took him to the airport and everything. I guess his flight was American Airlines, and because they're going bankrupt, his flight got cancelled! How awful is that? So Sunday we took a picture and everything and were saying goodbye and all that Jazz, and then yesterday I saw him in the cafeteria at dinner and was just all confused. Fun story kind of, sad, but fun nonetheless. I can only hope that nothing of the sort happens to us when we try and leave for Korea. That would just be the worst thing ever, coming back to the MTC after having been all ready to be in the field and such.
Also kind of along the same lines, none of the elders that are going to Spain have gotten any visas yet. Basically all of these elders are just going to be in the MTC until they get a Visa. That sounds like no fun at all. There's a guy in my district whose friend had a similar problem and ended up in the MTC for 4 months! That, would be worse than going to the airport and having to come back. At any rate I pray neither of these things happend to me, that would just be no fun.
Yesterday, was however one of the best days I've had in a while and I'm not entirely sure why. I was kind of upset at first because our zone had to host the Senior Missionaries which took up the time of our personal study time and gym time. I wasn't too mad about gym but I was kind of upset about missing personal study time yesterday, but I don't know after lunch everything just felt way better and I'm not sure why. We got our 6th teacher yesterday, you're supposed to only have 2, we're on 6. We kind of like to call ourselves the black sheep district. This is our new teacher's first district and first time teaching in the MTC. He is a way great teacher and I'm so glad that we could have him to teach us and have him to be our investigator as well. When we did our progressing investigator lesson with him, my companion and I had a plan by which we wanted to go at first, but I don't think I looked at that plan twice during that whole lesson. It was just a way great lesson and I think probably the best one we as a companionship have taught thus far. It was easy to see the spirit's influence in the lesson, and I know I was aided in my speaking of the language. My only regret of the lesson is that for some reason or another, I have the hardest time remembering the word for testimony! I just can't remember it! I don't know why but for some reason it won't stick. Well at least my companion can remember it so that works out.
I love all you guys and pray for everyone all the time! Be safe and watch out for each other while I'm gone! The best I can do is pray at this point but I'm trying really hard to help as much as I can for everyone!
Elder Clawson
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