Fun side story, Peter Rodriguez, Scott's good friend from high school came to visit us this week. He has been on the east coast in training for the navy over the past eight months. He kept saying "That's classified." so evidently, Peter knows things we don't know. Wow. Anyway, he shared with us that he wrote a letter to Scott, in South Korea, and was called in to his commanding officer to explain who Scott was and why was Peter writing to some guy in South Korea. Yikes! All is well now. Good luck Peter wherever you go from here! So impressed by you. =)
Peter and Alex. Always so nice to see them. If you look closely, they are imitating Scotts rice cheeks in the fun picture. Friends can tease but family doesn't tease Scott about the rice cheeks. He takes his weight very seriously. Actually, a little too seriously.
From: Scott Clawson <>
To: Lance Clawson <>
Sent: Sun, Jun 9, 2013 10:54 PM
Subject: Try to talk to like 500 people, get 9 appointments, no one meets. Seems Legit :)
Hey President!!
This week has been similar to the past couple. Setting lots of appointments and none of them coming through really. I think we had 9 or 11 of them punk this week, but that's okay, maybe they'll meet later.
Study this week has been good, still reading the standard works and I finally found something in the Old Testament that made sense to me. It took 30 chapters, but I found some things that rung true. Not to say things prior didn't but this was new to me which was nice. Also, I was wondering if you knew of any ways or methods that would help me to increase my understanding. Anything would be great.
Our solitary investigator is still awesome. We tried to give him a baptismal date, but he said he couldn't commit at that time. Kind of understandable to me, but I think he will come around. We actually came with him to the fireside last night. He really enjoyed it. Very fortunate for that to have been there.
Training is going good as ever. Still want to train again next transfer, but I'll do my best to be happy with what ever comes of it. We came to the office for pass off this morning, and Elder Mumford didn't pass off but I think he did a good portion of it. I think he's trying to get some last bits of wisdom from me as his trainer before we part ways, but I'm not too sure I have too much more to give to be honest.
As for miracles this week, I think seeing our investigator have real desire to progress and do what's right by our heavenly Father. He is a great man, and it is a huge blessing to see him strive to be great.
Have a great week president!
-Elder Clawson
Hey Everybody!!!
Anyone getting tired of that being the first thing that I say in all my emails? If you are just say the word and I will do my best to come up with more clever things. Anyways, I'll try and be fun this week with my email, but I'm not too sure how well I can do that. I am such a boring person as you all probably very well know.
So I guess we could start from last week on Monday! So there's these places that are called academy's, and they're basically like sylvan, or extra help places for students, BUT if you don't go to them, you're usually less intelligent than those that do, really backwards from America. ANYWAYS, there's all sorts of different places like this. There's obviously math, and science, and then English academies for foreign language help and stuff, and then there's music academies. I'm sure that you could tell where this is going. There's a music academy that me and my companion walk by all the time and always here people playing drums. We decided to go in and see if we could go play for a little while if we paid some money. Turns out, we can! And we did! Also, there was a guitar and an amp in the room with the drums, so we asked if me and my companion could just jam. At first I'm sure the guy that owned the place thought that we wouldn't be good because we are foreigners, but pleasant to his surprise, we do not fail at musics!!! In fact to the extent that he came in and took a picture of us jamming and may or may not blow it up to be an advertisement for his academy. Yes, even white people can play there. Super fun experience
So that was P-day, also my companion was so worried about it being against the rules, even though I and the zone leaders reassured him several times over that it was just fine, that he decided to call president to make sure it was fine. He did, and it was pretty funny. Legitimately walked around the house pacing like 4 laps, at least. It was hilarious and me and one of the zone leaders were laughing more or less the whole time. Also it seemed like my companion was trying to make it against the rules. Pretty funny experience. NOT against the rules, even ask president. In fact, they used to have a band that toured in Korea to increase the notoriety of the church... Maybe it will be started again and you are reading the letter of the future lead guitarist?!?!?! How crazy would that be? Not very to answer that question.
In case you hadn't read the letter to president, this week was very similar to the last few, lots of appointments, none of them coming through. Even our one investigator, we just meet him randomly on a whim the balance of the time. Pretty interesting. Maybe one day I'll get some more investigators, but that's not important really. What's important is that I'm doing my best to help every have the chance to have an appointment to learn with us!!!! That's the real thing that matters. That being said there are no super fun appointments to share about, save but one!
That one investigator that we do have is a boss. Solid at English, and apparently can sing Still Loving You by the Scorpions really well. Haven't seen it yet, but I wouldn't put it past him. He is a man of many talents. Also is apparently really smart, double majored in Chemical engineering and Electrical engineering. Yeah, I'm bragging for my investigator. Gotta have something to boost my self esteem about him. He also came to this big fireside with us where the main speaker was the soon to be new mission president for the Washington Seattle mission. Sorry Kayvon, you just missed having a Korean mission President, however, you do get to go to the mission that one of the office elders in my mission is from.
This weekend is transfer calls which is exciting, especially since something is going to change if not in our companionship than in our house with this upcoming transfer. If I stay, I will be in the south mission, but if I get transferred I could end up in the North. Really I've never been in the actual bounds of what will be the Seoul mission, so I'd almost call myself a Seoul south missionary. I won't know for sure that I'll be in either mission until the 1st of July, because there's always the potential for emergency transfers and such. Always can be kinda crazy what with those things, but I don't anticipate any of that.
I'm running low on time, so I'll teach you a phrase that functions really well in Korean Ebonics as used by our Ginger AP.
외냐하면 (wae-nya-ha-myeun) it literally means "if you ask why", but it functionally is about the same as because, but you have to use it to start a sentence, kinda hard to explain, but it's a good phrase nonetheless.
I love you all and you are all awesome! I kid you not! have a great week in my absence! Well, i guess by that virtue it would be more like have a great next 14 months. What the ten months?!?!?!...
클라슨 장로
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