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Hey President!
It was so great to meet you and your wife last week! I felt like I already knew you for some reason, and I don't doubt that there's a reason for that! I'm so excited to serve with you, and very glad that we will get to know each other a lot better!
It was another good week! Unfortunately, for various reasons the investigator I talked about last week couldn't meet this week, and was a little too busy to make it to church, but he says he's going to do his best to attend indefinitely in the future! So excited. I love this man, he has such a good heart, it's just that he is so open, that might get in his way, but I think he will be just fine. He loves to read the Book of Mormon too! Awesome man, and I'm so glad I can teach him!
For study, I've continued to read Jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon primarily, and supplemented that by studying for my district. I think something that may be helpful for them is just working on Christlike attributes, so I may do something to that effect in the future. I'm a little concerned about the sisters in 안산. I know they are having trouble, and I know that they will be being seperated at transfers, but I'm just a little concerned that this may have had lasting effects beyond just this transfer. If you have any thoughts please let me know, and I'll do my best to keep you aware of what is going on there.
Elder Webber opened up so much this past week! We went on exchanges and he was with Elder Brissette, who just pushed him super hard, and it did Elder Webber wonders! He progressed leaps and bounds in a 24 hour span, and I was really impressed by him. It truly was nothing short of a miracle, and I was and am so grateful to have been able to witness that. I hope that I can supplicate some more progress of that degree. Elder Webber is going to do great!
Have a great week!
Elder Clawson
It was so great to meet you and your wife last week! I felt like I already knew you for some reason, and I don't doubt that there's a reason for that! I'm so excited to serve with you, and very glad that we will get to know each other a lot better!
It was another good week! Unfortunately, for various reasons the investigator I talked about last week couldn't meet this week, and was a little too busy to make it to church, but he says he's going to do his best to attend indefinitely in the future! So excited. I love this man, he has such a good heart, it's just that he is so open, that might get in his way, but I think he will be just fine. He loves to read the Book of Mormon too! Awesome man, and I'm so glad I can teach him!
For study, I've continued to read Jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon primarily, and supplemented that by studying for my district. I think something that may be helpful for them is just working on Christlike attributes, so I may do something to that effect in the future. I'm a little concerned about the sisters in 안산. I know they are having trouble, and I know that they will be being seperated at transfers, but I'm just a little concerned that this may have had lasting effects beyond just this transfer. If you have any thoughts please let me know, and I'll do my best to keep you aware of what is going on there.
Elder Webber opened up so much this past week! We went on exchanges and he was with Elder Brissette, who just pushed him super hard, and it did Elder Webber wonders! He progressed leaps and bounds in a 24 hour span, and I was really impressed by him. It truly was nothing short of a miracle, and I was and am so grateful to have been able to witness that. I hope that I can supplicate some more progress of that degree. Elder Webber is going to do great!
Have a great week!
Elder Clawson
Hello Everybody!!!!!
How was your week? I hope it was pretty good~! I heard about Kyle Merkley getting his mission call! You're gonna kill it man!!! Just go out looking to have fun in missionary work and talk to everybody! Despite what people say, missionary work is fun. I promise. I actually don't know what people say that you would have heard, but missionary work is fun. Let there be no doubt in your mind.
So I've kind of developed a new hobby, or rather just fun little list I keep. It is how many different celebrity look-alikes that I can get in this two year span. As of right now, the list is comprised of the following
1. Edward (of course)
2. Elvis!
3. Superman (that one was fun)
4. Josh Hartnett (2nd most recent one)
5. Tom Cruise (this drunk guy always calls me this one)
and lastly, my new favorite that I got about a week and a half ago
6. James Dean
How sick is that?!?! If I really look like James Dean, that's pretty awesome. I mean I don't think there is a single female that I have met ever that would say that James Dean is unattractive so that's a pretty good name to get. Granted that shouldn't be the first of my concerns, but hey, missionaries are supposed to look good, hence the dress code. (yeah!... Hence!...) Not sure what that paranthetical quote is from but I'm sure Lindsay does, so help me out sister! But yeah, james dean for the win. I don't actually have to look like him. The fact that this old Korean guy called me it is good enough for me.
It was super cool this week, there was this one less active who nobody has really had success in visiting in years. They don't let people bother them, they don't like visits, and their phone numbers changed so they were difficult to contact, but through a very miraculous series of events, and awkward sneaking and such we met them a couple weeks ago, and now we have their phone numbers. I called the mother who I think is the only member, and at first she was still kind of disengaged, but I kept trying and had success last week! So her kids are in test taking time of year right now, so they're pretty busy, but she said to call back this coming weekend. I asked if her kids needed English help if they had English tests, and then she just opened way the heck up!!! It was awesome, turns out she speaks English and lived in Utah for a while. Now we plan on visiting her this weekend, and I'm super excited!!!
Other fun experience this week. So you know how in movies and TV all the time how they'll be doing something, and it looks kinda stormy and then all the sudden with no build up whatsoever it just starts pooring like nobody's business? Well that actually happens in real life apparently, and did this week. So we were out contacting, and we were walking with our umbrellas down and then all the sudden it was just raining ridiculously hard in an instant. Most crazy weather patterns ever. I guess that's what monsoon season is though...
Happy 4th of July by the way. Kind of forgot about that being that they don't celebrate it in korea as Independence Day. Who would have figured that Koreans don't celebrate American Independence. I would if I was Korean...
We got to meet our mission president and his wife this week! It was so cool! They're awesome, and they seem pretty young to be mission president people. Only like 57 or something, I feel like that's young, I'm not sure though. I don't have too much to base it off of. They're both super loving and awesome people. I legitimately feel like I've met Sister Morrise somewhere before. Don't know how, but I feel like I have.
So today I guess is like 11 months as a missionary. Kinda weird a little bit. I feel like I've barely been here at all. also a month from now is my year mark. that's a little bit insane. Not too sure where the time went, but I feel like the balance of it has been productive at least. Super awesome experience to say the least. I'm still awful at Korean, but such is life when you are trying to learn like the 2nd hardest language for English speakers to learn ever! Stinking spanish...
My companion is doing awesome. He was a little sick after the plane ride, but that's what happens when you ride a plane for 13 hours, living on recycled oxygen. kinda tough to not get sick, but now he's doing a lot better.
I've ran out of things to talk about so I think that I'll finish up. Have a great week in my continued absence, and continue to be awesome. If you want to communicate with me go ahead, I'll do my best to respond. Maybe not answer questions, but talk regardless.
here's some korean
시끄럽다 (si-ggeu-reob-da) It literally just means loud, but you say effectually to tell other people to be quiet. Pretty fun word
클라슨 장로
From: Scott Clawson <clawson.scott@myldsmail.net>
Date: Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Subject: New mission president, same greeting!
To: Lance Clawson <clegmaker@aol.com>
Hey President Morrise!
I'm super excited to be able to serve here with you and your wife to help further the kingdom in this section of the Lord's Vineyard.
This week has been good, and this coming week seems like it will be pretty good as well!
So as for study this week, I was going through Jesus the Christ a lot, and I found it really interesting that it seemed like Christ even exhibited mercy in the direction of the demons who called themselves Legion. They knew that they had to obey Christ as the sone of God, but even then they requested to enter the swine, and Christ obliged. I think it is a great testament to how we should act to those who may be exhibiting wicked characteristics, but still love them, even just as men.
Elder Webber is doing good, still working to get him a bit more comfortable to be outgoing with regards to contacting. I think he's starting to recognize the promise in PMG where it says that it's normal to be apprehensive in talking to people, but our mouths will be filled in the moment that we open them.
One of our investigators that's doing really well made it out to church yesterday. He likes to learn from us, but he's very interested in lots of faiths, which makes it a little hard for him to follow everything we say. We offered him a baptismal date, and he kinda dodged it, but I know that he can and will be baptized. He's ready, he just doesn't know yet.
Yesterday when we were contacting, this lady came up to us, and asked us if we had eaten. We had, to which she responded she wanted to buy us ice cream, but since it was the sabbath, we denied. Turns out she is a less active, and now wants to take us out for food some time. She even knew that we would need another man present to eat together. Super awesome miracle, all cause we were just doing what we're supposed to. So great!
I'm excited to meet you on Friday, and even more excited to serve alongside you. I'm excited for what's to come!
-Elder Clawson
I'm super excited to be able to serve here with you and your wife to help further the kingdom in this section of the Lord's Vineyard.
This week has been good, and this coming week seems like it will be pretty good as well!
So as for study this week, I was going through Jesus the Christ a lot, and I found it really interesting that it seemed like Christ even exhibited mercy in the direction of the demons who called themselves Legion. They knew that they had to obey Christ as the sone of God, but even then they requested to enter the swine, and Christ obliged. I think it is a great testament to how we should act to those who may be exhibiting wicked characteristics, but still love them, even just as men.
Elder Webber is doing good, still working to get him a bit more comfortable to be outgoing with regards to contacting. I think he's starting to recognize the promise in PMG where it says that it's normal to be apprehensive in talking to people, but our mouths will be filled in the moment that we open them.
One of our investigators that's doing really well made it out to church yesterday. He likes to learn from us, but he's very interested in lots of faiths, which makes it a little hard for him to follow everything we say. We offered him a baptismal date, and he kinda dodged it, but I know that he can and will be baptized. He's ready, he just doesn't know yet.
Yesterday when we were contacting, this lady came up to us, and asked us if we had eaten. We had, to which she responded she wanted to buy us ice cream, but since it was the sabbath, we denied. Turns out she is a less active, and now wants to take us out for food some time. She even knew that we would need another man present to eat together. Super awesome miracle, all cause we were just doing what we're supposed to. So great!
I'm excited to meet you on Friday, and even more excited to serve alongside you. I'm excited for what's to come!
-Elder Clawson
Hey Everybody!
New mission president, same greeting. I am dead set on being buddies with President Morrise, I was with President Christensen, still am, and will be forever! I want it to be that way with President Morrise too! Dude seems like a boss, and his neice is in our mission! How cool is that. I feel like it might be kind of awkward for her. Not too sure.
So fun story, with our new zone leader that moved in, I've been doing this interesting wake up routine. So the new zone leader Elder Brissette, hates how slow people are getting out of bed, so a while ago, he started doing this thing where he gets up and is doing push ups, legitimately no more than 3 seconds after the alarm goes off. That being the case we started to make somewhat of a race out of it. Last thursday, I don't know what happened, but I woke up super fast (as usual) and ran in the wrong direction, towards the balcony instead of the kitchen where we usually do our showdown. I was really confused, as was Elder Brissette. Super funny occasion. Also, I've been beating him out of bed so hard recently too! I dare any opposing missionaries to try and beat me out of bed! I've been out of bed doing pushups by 6:30:02 what's your best time?!?!?!
So I gave what could be my last District meeting training as district leader here because... wait for it... 2 other missionaries finally passed off so they can be district leaders now!!! YAYYYY exciting... Also my district grew in size by one companionship! So cool!
Other fun things, last night, this lady from another church decided she needed to talk to us about why her church is right, and why we needed to be there at 10:30 so we can start the service at 11, and probably repeated all that and then some about 20 times, or whatever was necessary to take half an hour of our time. At the end she asked if we would go to church with her next week, and I said no. My companion didn't understand any of it, but she talked at him most of the time nonetheless. She was kinda miffed, but we have prior obligations. Also, welcome to my life lady.
So for anyone who is wondering, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EVER, AS A MISSIONARY IS IT OKAY TO NOT SHOW UP TO AN APPOINTMENT, AND JUST NEVER ADDRESS IT!!!! I bet you think there's an experience behind that. Yep. You're right. So friday, we met this guy, and he seemed kinda frustrated over the phone, but agreed to meet, which confused me, because usually if you don't want to meet you just don't make an appointment, but whatever it was an appointment. So we met him, and he was still as frustrated as ever, and turns out about six months ago, missionaries made an appoinment with him, and never showed up. Worst experience ever... He got super mad at me, and started being really rude, which I wasn't having, so I called him out on being rude, and then was more rude. This was somewhat of a landslide experience, and then I more or less said "this is ridiculous, I didn't come here to argue, I came to teach about Jesus, and become friends. What are you here for?" To which he denied ever being angry (LIESSSS!!!), and then started being friendlier. We're meeting him again this week. That'll be fun...
So Elder Webber is doing a lot better in the blisters department this week, but his feet still look super nasty from all the blisters that showed up. Not an enviable situation by any definition of the word. Maybe if you like pain. Crazy people do that so I hope not. He's getting better at Korean and is a machine at setting up appointments over the phone. Wastes no time, may not understand much, but does just fine nonetheless. We just need to get him comfortable teaching and then he can train next transfer, which based on various circumstances, starts next week. How fun is that? Finally not a district leader. But in reality probably not. Also next transfer I hit my year mark. What the heck happened there? I'm really confused with regard to that. Time is crazy. Also sad that time doesn't really come back. What what eternity?!?!?!
So we had this zone conference where we saw President Christensen for the last time in our missions possibly. He may come down for something, who knows, but for all intensive purposes, the last time. Very sad occasion, I'm sure it was incredibly difficult for him and his wife. Not to mention all the missionaries that just go home regularly. Crazy situation. Also, now my trainer is the oldest missionary in the South mission, missionary age wise of course. Kinda crazy, especially since he doesn't go home until november, but that will be here in no time, so who knows.
Also fun news, so we forgot Elder Webber's suit coat at trainers training, and because of the mission split, it has been incredibly difficult to manage getting that thing back! Super hassle, but we might actually get it this week. Exciting! He can finally where a suit to church!
So I'm out of time!!! Man that comes fast. Really bad at answering question as acknowledged last week, so if you have a question, maybe I'll answer it. Also, in the worldwide leadership training video, I know one of those missionaries that was in the ward in Oklahoma with the really cool ward mission leader. Proffessional soccer player, also knows the Aussefs. Pretty crazy!!!!
Last words for the day, listen to the prophets and make the missionaries lives easier please. We love you and want to help. "Catch the wave" teehee
클라슨 장로
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