TRANSFERS!!! I'm going to probably the only place in Korea that everyone within the sound of this email knows the name of!
Sep 29 (8 days ago)
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Hey Everyone!
Yep you guessed it I'm being trasnferred to Gangnam. What's up with that!?!?! Pretty cool I guess! Well actually I won't be living in Gangnam, I'll be living in it's sister city Seocho, which is only slightly less affluent that gangnam. Don't worry, I don't think that our house is very nice. We will not be having it made in some crazy foreign city. Well actually I guess we will, getting to do missionary work in a foreign country and not really having to worry about anything else? I'd say that's having it made. Well I guess not really nothing else to worry about, at least for the next few weeks. I have to worry about getting my visa extended. Because the office elders kinda slacked on getting my packet to me to do it, now I have about 3 weeks to get it all squared away or I can get deported. Not to mention that I have to wait until I live in my new house to do it because it has to use the most recent address. A little stressful I'd say, but I'm sure that it'll work out just fine. Hopefully no fines or deportation will be incurred.
This last week here in 안양 has been pretty fun. Monday myself and one of the zone leaders went on exchanges. It was pday, but we still started the exchange because the zone leaders are supposed to go on exchanges with the district leaders once a transfer cycle, and they still hadn't done it, so we did it then. After pday, we went and had something to do at 6 but I forgot what it was, maybe preparing for our skit that we delivered on saturday or something, I don't remember, but that's not the cool part! Afterwards, we went and tried to visit this less active who I've been trying to meet for a solid 5 months, and had little to no success the whole time. Well we finally met her!!! She's super nice, and based on a very interesting series of events, is actually going to come to church on sunday as well!! After like 2 years of inactivity, she and her family are making their way back. So awesome. The ward loved them when they made it back too.
It was kind of funny, the ward was just all over the place because I was leaving, and a fair portion of the ward like me, thankfully. I tried really hard to be good friends with all of them. So there was me having my last sunday there, and then that less active family, it was kinda sad and awesome at the same time. Actually I was probably the only one who was sad, because I'm leaving and they all get to stay. I'm one of two people in my zone of 20 that are getting trasnferred actually. Kinda crazy. Fortunately there's going to be a lot of changes that occur in the future actually. 18 missionaries are coming in next transfer and then 18 more the next. Gonna be awesome!!!!
This week we had zone conference which was pretty great. Our wards bishop came and talked about working with less actives. He was really impressed with how many missionaries were there. Only two zones were in attendence and there were 42 missionaries there. Kinda crazy at least for Korea. I don't know what it's like in other missions, but that's pretty big here. President talked about some really cool stuff too, as did his wife. They're so awesome!
We had an open house on saturday which was pretty cool. Not too many people that were nonmembers came and I could tell that it kind of disappointed our bishop. I felt simlar to that too. We worked hard to try and get everyone involved and havea bunch of people invite friends but only like 7 nonmembers came to the 40 something members that came. Our skit was a total success though! We were sort of teaching the first lesson through it. We did it by having like a play within a play. We had a family and they were in family home evening and the kids didn't know some things, so we acted stuff out, hence play within a play. Super fun. I got to be Joseph Smith. That was super fun too!
I'm super stoked for conference in a couple weeks! Going to be so awesome. I say a couple weeks because we don't get to watch it on conference weekend, but the weekend following actually. So I guess things are a little different in different parts of the world! Still going to be great though.
I'm kind of bummed to leave anyang but I know that it's going to be great wherever I go! Plus I get to have the bragging rights for having had the opportunity to live in Gangnam!!!
어빠 강남 스타일!
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