We are sad for the injured one, but the good news is - it isn't Scott. =)
Crutches can't stop us from hurting ourselves! Well one person at least...
9:17 PM (12 hours ago)
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Hey President!
Super excited for interviews this week. I'm particularly grateful right now for that input you gave me last night about helping investigators read the Book of Mormon. I really do believe that is something that I have stood in need of dearly with regards to helping out investigators. I am still very excited to help out and work here in Gangnam area. The sisters will be very well received but I've decided it may be better not to bring it up to the ward. I'll just let them know when we can say for sure.
I'm beginning to see the similarities between your story as sunday school president and how I'm doing over here right now. Elder Hale is just a work horse, and has his mind set on getting things done. I'm really glad I get to learn from him and hope that I can help him so he is prepared to train or whatever the need may be in the not too distant future.
I hope all is going well for you! The offer still stands, if you stand in need of something, just let me know! I'd love to help in whatever way I can!
Elder Clawson
Super excited for interviews this week. I'm particularly grateful right now for that input you gave me last night about helping investigators read the Book of Mormon. I really do believe that is something that I have stood in need of dearly with regards to helping out investigators. I am still very excited to help out and work here in Gangnam area. The sisters will be very well received but I've decided it may be better not to bring it up to the ward. I'll just let them know when we can say for sure.
I'm beginning to see the similarities between your story as sunday school president and how I'm doing over here right now. Elder Hale is just a work horse, and has his mind set on getting things done. I'm really glad I get to learn from him and hope that I can help him so he is prepared to train or whatever the need may be in the not too distant future.
I hope all is going well for you! The offer still stands, if you stand in need of something, just let me know! I'd love to help in whatever way I can!
Elder Clawson
Hey Everybody!!!!
How are you all doing? Great? I certainly hope so. I bet you might be expecting me to talk a whole bunch about General Conference and how stinking awesome it was and stuff huh? I would love to do that, but we only saw like two sessions and they were in Korean. You people that spoke other languages on your mission may be shaking your head, but ask pretty much anyone and they'll tell you that it's stinking hard to understand church stuff in Korean. I plan on watching it in English at some point in the coming weeks. From what I gather it was pretty good though! Lot's of really cool sounding things in Korean. I couldn't tell you what they are, but I know they're there! hahaha
This week had some fun experiences. Monday we met with our awesome investigator who is just the nicest man in the history of the world. Well so long as you're not lady gaga, he's the nicest person in the world. Pretty strange, I mean just about every time we meet he brings up lady gaga and how she's evil and worships satan. I refuse to hate on anyone at this point, but I would say he's got his heart in the right place. He keeps all our commitments with regard to commandments but seems to struggle with reading a little more. Not cause he can't read, I just think that he doesn't understand the importance. Oh yeah, he brought up Macguyver in that lesson too. I likened Macguyver to Nephi. Don't question it, it's just what you gotta do with this guy.
Tuesday was interesting... So we were going to try and just get to know the entirety of our area because there are some areas that my companion said he had never visited before and we get a referral from our district leader. He says to call the guy that day. So we did. We ended up meeting that guy later that night. One of the first things he says to me is "buy me some delicious meal." The guy is like 65 and has food in his teeth still. Just so you know, it's super anti Korean culture for someone younger than you to pay for your food. It didn't really phase me too much, but I knew that he wanted money and wasn't super gospel interested. We didn't really have time to have dinner with him either, and we had already eaten. He basically just tried to friend us up and then all the sudden asks me for $50. Now, I would have thought about it, had he given me valuable enough reason, and we were allowed to, and I had money to give, but it didn't really feel right. So I told him about the church welfare program a little bit! He said he'd come to general conference. He didn't. I feel kinda bad about that experience, but if I had given him that much money, I wouldn't have food for the rest of the week. I don't know. I don't like being asked for money though.
Wednesday was fun. We were going to go look for this welfare center to try and find service but everything was closed because it was a national holiday. Translated, it pretty much means the holiday for the Korean Alphabet. They have weird holidays here in Korea. Then again, valentine's and st patrick's aren't particularly normal really. I guess I'm not one to throw stones.
Our district leader was over on exchanges so we did some finding together. The guy is super fun. Our zone and district over here are super fun. Loving it super hard over here in Seoul South Stake of the Seoul South mission.
Fun story of the week, one of our roommates Elder Brewer, is a great guy. Works hard and is loving missionary work a ton. Wednesday when they were going to go on exchanges, he saw this guy and decided he needed to talk to him, but he kinda shrugged it off cause he said he needed to go to the bathroom. When he came back outside, the guy was there, and he was walking into the subway station. Elder Brewer tries to go and talk to him, and misses like a 3 inch step, and sprains his ankle. He spent the rest of the day on crutches, and was kinda demoralized about it. The next day after Zone training, he was taken to an acupuncture therapist cause Koreans are really into that stuff. On his way back down into the subway station, he started taking off down the stairs on one foot, just hopping down. His companion told him to take it a little easy, and use the crutches, which Elder Brewer also shrugged off. Lo and behold, he sprains his other ankle. Now we've got an Elder Brewer with two sprained ankles. Not a fun situation for him to say the least, but I will say that it will make for an incredible story for his children. He is however very house ridden for the most part. We got him a wheel chair but he doesn't like it very much. Hopefully he heals up quick so that he can be back out on the streets as soon as possible!!!
Zone training was cool. We talked about some really cool things and set some goals for ourselves that are pretty awesome. I'm excited to see them come to fruition over the next little while. Also the story of secretariot the race horse is insnae!!!!!!! I never knew about that! Stuff is crazy. anyways...
The day of zone training we met with that awesome investigator again, and he's still doing super awesome. Still eaten up the gospel but having trouble reading every week. We keep on reading with him for the beginning of our lessons, but he really needs to just read for himself.
Friday was my shift to stay home with the cripple for the evening and weekly planning so I spent a lot of time in the house just calling people and stuff. Got a couple appointments for the next week so it was pretty cool.
The reason we did not get to go watch conference on Saturday was because we were house shopping in our area for the balance of the day! It was pretty cool, the mission actually ended up buying a new apartment for there to be sisters that come into our ward at some point in the future. It's not within my liberty to say when, because I am just a mere peon in the work, and I'm not running the show. I'll let you know what happens when it happens.
Conference yesterday was all in Korean and our investigator made it out to it as well as some friends of some of the members! Super awesome. I'm excited to hear what the people said in English! We also got to meet some really cool people that night Pretty fun experience.
I'm loving it so hard out here! Super awesome.
By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SIBLINGS THIS WEEK! If you know them say happy birthday and stuff. If you don't, do it anyways.
Stay awesome, and keep on keeping on!
클라슨 장로
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