Two new letters. Scott has finally left Anyang and is in Gangnam. Wonder if that is where Psy (spelling? I don't know!) lives... Maybe.
And Gangnam is still super awesome too!!!

8:15 PM (14 hours ago)
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Hey President!
It was great to talk with you over the phone last week, and I look forward to seeing you next week at interviews! We have a baptism coming up at the end of the month. All signs point to it happening. Such a great guy. I've only met him twice, but he is amazing at seeing the good in people. I'm really enjoying my time here in 강남 thus far. I'm sure you've heard plenty of times that the ward wants sisters, which I could see helping out. I understand it would be incredibly difficult getting them a place to live, but in my humble opinion they would be well received, and have success. I'm really excited to keep working here with Elder Hale. He's got a great desire to serve and wants to grow. From what I can tell, he should be ready to train or the like in the not too distant future, and I'm excited to help him along the way.
I'll try and keep it short, but I did have one question. Previously, I had been told that emailing at the church was expressly prohibited, but I guess it's something that had been happening for a while, and the bishop was okay with it. I just wanted to hear from you about it. We have found a better place at a 주민센터 in 서초 to email so we'll be going there, but I was curious just for future reference.
Thanks so much for all you do for us, and especially your letter last week! I'm excited for what this transfer brings! 강남 ward is awesome!
It was great to talk with you over the phone last week, and I look forward to seeing you next week at interviews! We have a baptism coming up at the end of the month. All signs point to it happening. Such a great guy. I've only met him twice, but he is amazing at seeing the good in people. I'm really enjoying my time here in 강남 thus far. I'm sure you've heard plenty of times that the ward wants sisters, which I could see helping out. I understand it would be incredibly difficult getting them a place to live, but in my humble opinion they would be well received, and have success. I'm really excited to keep working here with Elder Hale. He's got a great desire to serve and wants to grow. From what I can tell, he should be ready to train or the like in the not too distant future, and I'm excited to help him along the way.
I'll try and keep it short, but I did have one question. Previously, I had been told that emailing at the church was expressly prohibited, but I guess it's something that had been happening for a while, and the bishop was okay with it. I just wanted to hear from you about it. We have found a better place at a 주민센터 in 서초 to email so we'll be going there, but I was curious just for future reference.
Thanks so much for all you do for us, and especially your letter last week! I'm excited for what this transfer brings! 강남 ward is awesome!
Elder Clawson
Hey everyone!!!
This first week here in 강남 has been awesome! I'm curious, when I type the names of places in Korean, would you prefer that I do it romanized, or in Korean like I have been doing? I understand the balance of people who read my letters don't actually read Korean, but 강남 looks a lot cooler then Gangnam, and it sounds better too. Well I guess that's only if you can read Korean that it sounds better, but whatever. Just let me know if you would prefer things romanized rather than in Korean.
So we'll start before transfers. Last pday was good. We went to the place where we typically play pool and hung out for a while. I got really good that day at this game called 사구(sagu) which is totally different from normal pool. There are no pockets, and only 4 balls. Actually the name of the game literally means 4 balls. There's two red ones, a orange one and a white one. The white and orange are the cue balls so to speak, and the goal is to hit both red balls in the same hit. If that game exists in America, let me know, cause it's super fun. The cooler part of that experience was that it was the last time that I got to hang out with Murphy. I guess that makes it kind of sad too. I'm going to miss that kid!
Tuesday, we had lunch with one of the other members in that area who I'm good friends with. His name is 이주왕 and he's hilarious. He is on his phone all the time looking at food, but is like the skinniest guy ever. I was kinda bummed to leave him too, but alas, I had to leave. We can't stay in a place forever.
That same night, we were trying to go visit a bunch of people, but no one was really at home or anything. I kind of new like every less active in the area having been there for a while, but naturally the missionary who just comes and bugs you all that time leaving isn't that sad of an occasion unfortunately. We were walking by this big store, and my companions feet were bugging him so I said let's just go sit down. Immediately after, this homeless guy who I've helped out with some things before comes up and says he's coming to church on Sunday. Not two minutes after that, one of the coolest investigators we've had came out of the store and we talked to him for a while. We had to kind of cut the conversation off because we had to get home for the night, but it was probably the best way that I could have ended that transfer. With an investigator who really wants to know the truth, helping him as best we can.
Wednesday was transfers so then all the sudden I was in Gangnam. Well sort of, we serve in gangnam, but live in Seocho which makes life interesting. From what my companion has told me, because we live outside of our area and have to travel to get there all the time, we basically spend the balance of our time in this area broke. So, as fortune would have it, I can now more or less claim the status of the poorest person living in the most wealthy area in all of Korea. I think I said that before. I'm sorry if I repeat things... I'm not perfect you know... ^^
That day we met this lady who wants us to teach her son English, that went just fine. She had felt a lot of pressure before apparently and part of our goal was to make her feel more comfortable towards the church. Hope that works out for the better, she is a pretty nice lady. Also we had English class which was cool, but it's a lot different only having two missionaries in an area after having had 6 just prior. Big change in the way things go. Still good though!
Thursday we met our next baptism! This guy is super awesome, just so good at seeing the good in people. He actually made me sympathize with Michael Jackson a lot more for why he was such a creep. The guy just wants to be in a church that is a church 100% of the time. Other churches talk about politics and economics and stuff, and that's what bugs him. He just wants the gospel and has found the right place for it. I'm pretty excited for him.
Friday we met this guy who had a solid foundation knowledge about the church already and speaks fluent English. Apparently like everyone in Gangnam speaks english pretty well. I still talk to most of them in Korean though. Anyways, his english name is conan. Super strange but whatever, he's a really nice guy, and has some very good impressions of the church.
I'm already getting in good with the cops over here too. This cop stopped us and gave us a bunch of food this week. While we were talking to him a bunch of other cops brought this guy in that was handcuffed. Based on what I heard, this guy was a repeat offender at something. It was like the 5th time they had brought him in. Not sure what for yet, but they ushered us out of the police station in a hurry so that they could take care of whatever that was...
Saturday we participated in the rival soccer game between our ward and the Seocho ward. It was pretty fun. We lost, but it was still a good time. The other missionaries tried to hold it over our heads, but neither of them really played and me and my comp played like the whole game. Super good time.
My comp is Elder Hale and he went to the same high school as Elder Hunter, in fact he knew Elder Hunter. He's the year below him in graduating class but they still new each other. In fact, in our house, I'm the oldest one in mission age and actual age. Kinda crazy. Anyways Elder Hale has got a desire to get work done and that's what we're gonna do.
Church was pretty great. Incidentally there is this girl in our ward from the phillipines that is on the Korean equivalent of American Idol, not called Korean Idol though. I didn't talk to her though, just heard about her. The ward is pretty cool, a lot of older folks because they are so wealthy that they just send all their kids to america to go to school whether it be high school or college or what have you. Still super good, and they're excited for missionary work.
Actually, fun experience, last night, we were trying to find some less actives, and all we had was what apartment building they lived at, so we asked around a little, and then this old lady took us to the land lord and tried to help us find who we were looking for. She said the only reason she helped us is because we were foreign and she could tell we were good people. Success.
Welp, I'm running out of time. I tried to include as many experiences as I could, but I'm sure there's stuff I miss. Hope all is going well for everyone and I'll talk to you next week!
클라슨 장로
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